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likely celebration held capture join original The Pilgrims on Mayflower landed in Plymouth on December 11, 1620. Their first winter was a nightmare. At the beginning of the following autumn, they had lost 46 of the (1) _____102 people. When the spring of 1621 finally came, the pilgrims began planting their crops. Friendly Indians brought them corn seeds and taught them how to (2) _____ fish in a net. At summer's end, they had a beautiful harvest. To give thanks for the first harvest, the pilgrims decided to set aside a time for (3) _____, Plymouth governor William Bradford invited neighboring native Americans to (4) _____the pilgrims for a three-day festival. The feast they sat down to had very little in common with today's celebration, however. It is quite (5) _____ that their feast consisted of fish, corn and other vegetables. Today's traditional dinner of turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie is mainly the result of a strong advertising campaign by turkey producers. For a long time, celebrations were (6) ____on many different days. In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln declared the fourth Thursday in November as a national holiday of Thanksgiving, Many Americans consider this to be only an American holiday, although it is also celebrated in Canada and harvest festivals are held throughout the world.

发布时间:2024-05-01 14:58:27
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