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What information in the following text can be delayed to create suspense?One morning, a man took his gun and went into the forest for deer-hunting. After one hour’s search, he saw a deer with very big horns and fired at it. The deer fell just where it stood. He ran over to examine it and said to himself, “This deer’s horns will make a wonderful rack for my guns when I get it home.” He then arranged his gun in the deer’s horns and stepped back a few yards to see exatly how they would look as a gun rack on the wall of his study. He was just admiring the effect when the deer suddenly jumped up, shook itself, and raced away, carrying his gun firmly stuck in its horns. The man had to run after it. Two other hunters passed by and felt very surprised to see a man following a deer’s track in the snow without a gun.They stopped him and asked him whether anything was wrong and whether they could help him. The man sat down beside them and told them his story.

A:"They stopped him and asked him whether anything was wrong and whether they could help him.”;
B:From “One morning,…” till “’This deer’s horns will make a wonderful rack for my guns when I get it home.’”;
C:“He was just admiring the effect when the deer suddenly jumped up, shook itself, and raced away, carrying his gun firmly stuck in its horns. The man had to run after it.”;
D:He then arranged his gun in the deer’s horns and stepped back a few yards to see exatly how they would look as a gun rack on the wall of his study.

发布时间:2024-04-25 08:52:37
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