的输出结果____。","images":[""],"description":"console.log 的输出结果____。","pubDate":"2024-04-15T08:14:15","upDate": "2024-07-09T10:21:49"}
请在 下方输入 要搜索的题目:

console.log('输出的结果是什么? 选项:A、123123 B、246 C、123 D、没有正确结果 ">6.输出的结果是什么? 选项:A、123123 B、246 C、123 D、没有正确结果
  • 7.script> var a=123; var b="123"; alert(a+b); [/] 输出的结果是什么? 选项: A、123123 B、246 C、123 D、没有正确结果
  • 8.console.log(';alert(123);;') 的输出结果是______。
  • 9.
    输出结果为 选项: A:hello,JavaScript B:string C:a D:object
  • alert("{1}");1">10.1阅读理解alert(1) alert("{}") alert("{1}")1
  • ; B、 <;script>; alert("Hello World"); <;/script>; C、 <;script src = 'src/hello.js'>;<;/script>; D、 <;script alert('Hello World')>;<;/script>;;">11.以下哪种写法不属于JS的引入方法 选项: A、<;body onLoad = "alert('Hello World!')">; B、 <;script>; alert("Hello World"); <;/script>; C、 <;script src = 'src/hello.js'>;<;/script>; D、 <;script alert('Hello World')>;<;/script>;;
  • 12.console.log('alert(123);') 的输出结( )。
  • 呱<{/font}>呱<{/b}><{/p}>B. 选项:A. <{p}>gwewgeg<{b}><{font color="#c24f4a"}>呱<{/font}>呱<{/b}><{/p}>B. 则提示框中显示()。">17.网页编程中,运行下面的javascript代码:则提示框中显示()。
  • 18.运行下面的javascript代码,则在弹出的提示框中显示的内容为
  • 19.What are the five main categories of Chinese traditional calligraphy?( ) 选项: A、Seal script, oracle script, regular script, running script and cursive script. B、Bronze script, clerical script, regular script, running script and cursive script. C、Seal script, clerical script, regular script, running script and cursive script. D、Oracle script, clerical script, regular script, running script and cursive script.
  • 20.Wang Xizhi, referred to as “Sage of Chinese Calligraphy”, was famous in writing which style of script? 选项: A、the seal script B、the official script C、the cursive script D、the regular script E、the running script
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