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A law student rented a furnished apartment. His landlord began to solicit his advice about her legal affairs, but he refused to provide it. The landlord then demanded that he vacate the apartment immediately. The landlord also engaged in a pattern of harassment, calling the student at home every evening and entering his apartment without his consent during times when he was at school. During these unauthorized visits she removed the handles from the bathroom and kitchen sinks, but did not touch anything belonging to the student. The lease has a year to run, and the student is still living in the apartment. The student has sued the landlord for trespass to land. Is he likely to prevail?

A:No, because he has no standing to sue for trespass.
B:No, because the landlord caused no damage to his property.
C:Yes, for compensatory damages only.
D:Yes, for injunctive relief, compensatory damages, and punitive damages.

发布时间:2024-06-21 11:06:50
推荐参考答案 ( 由 搜题小帮手 官方老师解答 )


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