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Banked cloze A study just published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science suggests that including a smiley emoticon (":)") or an emoji (a picture of a smiley face) in a work email may make people think you are less 1) ______.   The experiment 2) ______ assigned 203 undergraduates (76% female) from the University of Amsterdam to receive one of four photographs and then asked the study subjects to rate the warmth and competence of the person who was 3) ______ in the picture or who sent the text.   The researchers found that study subjects rated the person smiling in the photograph as higher in warmth and competence than the person with the 4) ______ expression. However, they rated the sender of the text with smileys as not significantly 5) ______ and as less capable than the sender of the text with no smileys.   The second experiment 6) ______ 90 English-speaking individuals (58% female) from 29 countries. They had to read an email, rate the sender's warmth and competence, write an email in 7) ______ and guess whether the sender was male or female. The results? The inclusion of smiley faces in the email didn't affect the perception of warmth but did lower the perception of competence. When the 8) ______ email had a smiley face, the study subjects' email responses tended to 9) ______ less information. In addition, when the email had a smiley face, study subjects tended to assume that the sender was female. However, the assumed 10) ______ of the email sender did not affect the rating of warmth or competence.

F:aG、andH、forI、I、with J、J、the

发布时间:2024-04-01 16:47:48
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