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段落匹配Are You Living a Fulfilling Life1Not a one of us knows for certain what’s coming after this lifetime,so the only “real”task we can attend to in this life is to try to enjoy it.After all,what’s the sense in simply going through the motions when we could be living satisfying or even extraordinary lives?So with that being said,how do you think you are living a fulfilling life?2Here are a few questions to ask yourself today to identify if the life you are creating is one that fulfills and satisfies you.While there is no “perfect”life that any of us needs to work toward,your behavior and action will reflect whether or not you are living a life that fuels your soul.At the end of the day,we are all fulfilled by different things,but those who are satisfied with life will likely have different answers to the following questions than those who are not.3Do you share love and laughter almost every day?4Love and laughter are two of the very best things we can enjoy in this life.Everyone enjoys love and laughter.Without these two factors,life would be dull and sad.If you feel you are lacking love and laughter in your life,identify the people,events,situations and things that bring love and laughter to you,and align yourself with them more frequently.Watch comedy,call a friend for a laugh or snuggle with your dog on the couch.Make an effort every day to give and receive love and laughter!5Are you pursuing an interest that makes you come alive?6At least once a day,are you finding yourself engaged in an activity that engrosses you in a positive way?Perhaps it is your career,a sport,a hobby or even just playing with your kids.Afulfilling life will be punctuated by moments of being fully connected and “in the zone.”No matter how busy you are with other tasks,take time every day to do something you love to enjoy your life more.7Do you roll with the punches,and get back up when you’ve been knocked down?8People with fulfilling lives are often relatively optimistic,and this makes it easier for them to keep moving forward in life,even in the face of adversity.If you find it hard to get back up after a defeat,practice positive thinking.Make a resolution to look for the silver lining in every cloud and the lesson in every struggle.Staying positive is the key to resiliency,and it will keep you moving toward fulfillment no matter how many bumps in the road you encounter.9Do you enjoy waking up in the morning,and do you usually look forward to your day?10Some days will inevitably bring a little gloom and frustration,but if you have a fulfilling life most days will bring the promise of possibility and excitement.If you find that most days you have to drag yourself out of bed,or you dread what the day will bring,this is a good sign that you are making some day-to-day choices that are preventing you from having the life you really want.When we feel like this,it is a good idea to evaluate our daily habits and choices to identify which of them are keeping us from our personal happiness.Every day is a new opportunity to choose more satisfying life experiences!11When you’re on your death bed,will you look back on your life with pride?12Every so often,look into the future and think about how you will feel the day you are on your deathbed.Is your future self proud of how you are choosing to use your time today?This is perhaps the best question we can ask ourselves to determine if we are living fulfilling lives.It encourages us to focus on the big picture.13Remember,all we know for certain is that we have this current lifetime to do the things we want to do.We all have the choice to create fulfilling lives for ourselves or to simply go through the motions.For the sake of your own happiness,choose to make this life count!------Task The following are eight statements related to the text.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.-------Task The following are eight statements related to the text.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.-----------------------------------------()1Your behavior can reflect whether the life you are living fuels your soul.()2People living a fulfilling life are always optimistic,and it is easier for them to cheer up even when faced with adversity.()3Afulfilling life will be filled with moments of being fully connected and spiritual.()4However busy you are with all kinds of tasks,take some time to do something you like so as to enjoy your life more.()5If there were no love and laughter in the world,life would be boring and sad.()6It is true that all of us are not sure what’s coming next after this lifetime.()7Every day is a new day for there is a new chance to choose more satisfying experiences.()8In order to make yourself happy,you are supposed to attach importance to your life.-------------------------------------------------

发布时间:2024-04-25 00:04:56
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