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The rule engine of IoT Platform is designed to help users flexibly forward and process device messages, filter, transform, and forward message data, and seamlessly forward data to different data destinations based on different scenarios. Which of the following statements about the rule engine is NOT correct?

A:Take Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) as an example, users can report JSON-formatted data to the IoT Suite and configure relevant rule engines in the IoT console to select and store payload data. Without using the rule engine, published messages only pass through the IoT Hub and are not stored.
B:When users communicate based on Topics, they can use the rule engine to process data in Topics and then forward it to other Alibaba Cloud services, such as RDS, Table Store for storage, StreamCompute for real-time computing, or message middleware DataHub, LogHub, etc., to work with StreamCompute and provide services.
C:Users do not need to purchase a server or deploy a distributed architecture, and can simply configure rules on the web through the rule engine to achieve a full stack of services such as collection, computing, and storage.
D:The rule engine processes topic data through SQL, which currently supports subqueries and like operators, and offers relatively complete SQL support.

发布时间:2024-06-13 01:01:23
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