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[单选题]Passage threeMany people believe that boys and girls should be educated in separate classes because their brains are to learn in different ways. For the past decade parents and teachers have become worried increasingly about boys, who are now routinely outperformed by girls at every level and who show growing levels of self-dissatisfaction and lack of motivation.Dr. Sax, founder of the National Association for Single Sex Public Education in the United States, argues that this gender gap is the result of innately different learning styles of boys and girls, and that most classrooms play to the strength of girls. Boys, for example, do not hear as well as girls. So, a female teacher with a soft voice may believe that a boy who is not paying attention is playing up, when actually he cannot hear her properly. Her reaction may be to discipline him. But Dr. Sax says that she would get better results by speaking louder and moving purposefully around the classroom. Boys’ eyes also respond better to movement and direction, while girls’ eyes are more affected by color and texture. Asked to draw, five-year-old girls produce flowers, pets and people. Boys will draw a car crash, but may be reproached by teachers for producing something that is “not nice”.Similarly, although most girls can sit still from a young age, most boys need to be active to discover their own pace. One result, Dr. Sax believes, is the overdiagnosis of attention deficit disorder among boys who are considered inattentive by teachers. Parents and doctors are tempted to treat this with medication, when simply putting them in a boy-friendly classroom would be far more effective. The failure of schools to understand why gender matters means that boys very often switch off from learning from an early age and never reengage. Long after their sisters have gone to university, they are still trapped at home suffering from “failure to launch” into adult life. The solution, Dr. Sax believes, lies in single-sex education provided by teachers trained to understand the differences in brain function between boys and girls. 33.If a boy is not paying attention in class, Dr. Sax suggests that ___________.  A teachers use a soft voice to regain his attention B teachers stop him from moving and playing up C teachers encourage him draw something nice D teachers move around to draw the boy’s attention

发布时间:2024-04-14 17:32:43
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