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[简答题](英译汉)How well is your Web site meeting demand? The question may be more difficult to answer than you think. After all, sophisticated Web monitoring software can measure a sudden spike in traffic, but it won’t correlate that spike with your company’s seasonal marketing efforts. (71)【Business intelligence software unifies data from a wide array of functional areas and departments to provide a holistic understanding of the business】. The result: Managers can predict future spikes in traffic based on the relative size of marketing campaigns.The first thing to do is capture information about your Web site operations and visitors. Start with the data in your Web log file. Here you will find valuable information about Web traffic patterns, such as peak traffic times and the most accessed pages on your Web site. (72) 【You’ll also be able to learn what people search for once they get to your site, as well as the time it takes to find it】. Don’t overlook the value of information such as the type of browser and operating system used by your site visitors — these can affect how you choose to present your site.(73)【Once you have this data gathered, business intelligence applications let you analyze the information to help you optimize your Web site】. The application unifies data from various sources to help you effectively mine information and understand your customers’ Web behavior.Most important, you are able to compare information in your Web logs against information from internal and external sources. (74)【Track Web hits or transactions against fluctuations in your offline sales channels, for example, or see what happens to order volumes at the beginning of a fiscal quarter when many departments have new budgets to work with】.Business intelligence software can be a powerful ally as you seek to keep hard-won customers in the fold. Knowing your customers and understanding how they interact with your Web site is a powerful tool for optimization. (75)【You can glean trends during peak traffic periods that result in server overloads, or identify search criteria that consistently fail to deliver anticipated content】.74.

发布时间:2024-07-09 08:46:07
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