请在 下方输入 要搜索的题目:

A: paradox
B: nourished
C: disguised
D: upright
E: administration
F: defy G. ingredient H. tacklingI. recession J. well-being K. cereal L. graveM. legal N. consult O. nasty P. egoQ. resume R. utmost S. compact T. manipulatedWe may feel confused and 1. __________ when being asked, “Should I spend or should I save?” And the messages we get usually 2. __________ our common sense and contradict each other. The government asks us to spend so that we get out of 3. __________; in the meanwhile, they say if we do not save, our country will be in 4. __________ danger. Credit card companies would send us 5. __________ emails, threatening us to pay off the bills and then encourage us to 6. __________ spending in a charming tone. The 7. __________ is that we get two sets of messages at odds with each other every day. One is an 8. __________ message, which urges us to suspend our desires. The other is “permissive” perspective in the form of advertisements; the messages are everywhere, doing their 9. __________ to influence our buying decisions: from breakfast10. __________ to which cruise line we will use. People thus believe that they will derive pleasure from “nice things” and feel 11. __________ by them.College students should consider their financial well-being as a key 12. __________ of their college education. They may 13. __________ with the school’s financial aid office and get help with 14 __________ their problems if they have financial trouble. Sooner or later, they can find pleasure in the 15. __________ of their financial affairs.

发布时间:2024-06-11 15:23:16
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