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#container { margin: 0 auto ; width:780px; }可以设置id为container的div居中。()

发布时间:2024-04-15 16:13:28
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  • 3.下列关于Container组件的叙述错误的是( ) 。 选项: A:如果Container组件没有设置child、width、height和constraints属性,并且Container组件的父容器没有unbounded的限制,那么Container组件的大小为与child指定的子元素一样大; B:如果Container组件没有设置child、alignment属性,但是提供了width、height或constraints属性,那么Container组件会根据自身以及父容器的限制,将自身调整到足够小; C:如果Container组件没有设置child、width、height、constraints和alignment属性,但是父容器提供了bounded限制,那么Container组件会按照父容器的限制,将自身调整到足够大; D:如果Container组件设置了alignment属性,并且父容器提供了unbounded限制,那么Container组件会调整自身尺寸来包裹child属性设置的子组件
  • 4.Bootstrap 设置固定宽度且居中的容器的class值为 选项: A、containe B、container-fluid
  • 5.在wxss文件中设置 .container 可为class属性为container的标记设置样式。( )选项: A:对 B:错
  • 6.在wxss文件中设置 .container 可为class属性为container的标记设置样式。( ) 选项: A:对 B:错
  • 7.在wxss文件中设置 .container 可为class属性为container的标记设置样式。( )A.正确B.错误
  • 8.CY to CY is a mode of container shipping. It means shipping goods from ( ). 选项:A、Ship owner’s container yard to consignee’s container yardB、Shipper’s container yard to consignee’s container yardC、Shipping agent’s container yard to exporter’s container yardD、Carrier’s container yard to container terminal’s container yard
  • 9.CY to CY is a mode of container shipping. It means shipping goods from ( ).选项: A:Ship owner’s container yard to consignee’s container yard; B:Carrier’s container yard to container terminal’s container yard; C:Shipper’s container yard to consignee’s container yard; D:Shipping agent’s container yard to exporter’s container yard
  • 10.CY to CY is a mode of container shipping. It means shipping goods from ( ). 选项: A、Ship owner’s container yard to consignee’s container yard B、Carrier’s container yard to container terminal’s container yard C、Shipper’s container yard to consignee’s container yard D、Shipping agent’s container yard to exporter’s container yard
  • 11.对一个宽度固定的块级元素应用margin:0 auto;样式,可使其水平居中。
  • 12.对一个宽度固定的块级元素应用margin:0 auto;样式,可使其水平居中。( )
  • 13.对一个宽度固定的块级元素应用margin:0auto;样式,可使其水平居中
  • 14.下面哪些属于Docker的网络模型( ) 选项: A:Closed container B:Bridged container C:Joined container D:Open container
  • 15.which of the following is not true about the classification of the ?( ) 选项:A、containers are classified as general purpose(dry cargo) container and specific purpose container B、general purpose container(GP)is suitable for the widest varieties of cargo C、specific purpose container is suitable for the specific cargo D、bulk container, reefer container, open-top container are all general purpose containers
  • 16. which of the following is not true about the classification of the cantainers ?( ) 选项: A: containers are classified as general purpose(dry cargo)container and specific purpose container B: general purpose container(GP)is suitable for the widest varieties of cargo C: specific purpose container is suitable for the specific cargo D: bulk container, reefer container, open-top container are all general purpose containers
  • 17.【判断题】对一个宽度固定的块级元素应用margin:0 auto;样式,可使其水平居中。
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