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Steven finished the science test _in our class yesterday

发布时间:2024-05-11 15:01:01
推荐参考答案 ( 由 搜题小帮手 官方老师解答 )


提示:有些试题内容 显示不完整,文字错误 或者 答案显示错误等问题,这是由于我们在扫描录入过程中 机器识别错误导致,人工逐条矫正总有遗漏,所以恳请 广大网友理解。

选项: A:$(“#box”).class(”test”); B:$(“#box”).addClass(”test”); C:$(“#box”).attr(”class”,”test”); D:$(“#box”).hasClass(”test”);
  • 18.Which of the following sentences is the best one?选项: A:The science and technology have greatly influenced our lives and our society is changign very rapidly.; B:The science and technology have greatly influenced our lives and our society is changing at an unprecedented speed.; C:The science and technology have greatly influence our lives, as a result, our society is changing at an unprecedented speed.; D:The science and technology have penetrated every corner of our lives, as a result, our society is changing at an unprecedented speed.
  • 19.Which of the following sentences is the best one? 选项:A、The science and technology have greatly influenced our lives and our society is changing very rapidly. B、The science and technology have greatly influenced our lives and our society is changing at an unprecedented speed. C、The science and technology have greatly influenced our lives. As a result, our society is changing at an unprecedented speed. D、The science and technology have penetrated every corner of our lives. As a result, our society is changing at an unprecedented speed.
  • 20.But for your help, I couldn't finish/ couldn't have finished the work on time yesterday.
  • 21.下列使用的jQuery代码中,能够给所示HTML标签添加class得有()<div id=“box”></div> 选项: A:$("#box").addClass("test") B:$("#box").hasClass("test") C:$("#box").class("test") D:$("#box").attr("class"."test")
  • 22.下列使用jQuery的代码中,能够给所示HTML标签添加class的有( ) <divId=”box”></div> 选项: A:$(“#box”).class(”test”); B:$(“#box”).addClass(”test”); C:$(“#box”).attr(”class”,”test”); D:$(“#box”).hasClass(”test”);
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