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The facilitator or activity style (Match the different styles of teaching with their respective descriptions.)

A:Well-suited for curriculums that include or emphasize team activities, this teaching style shifts much of the responsibility for learning onto the students, who are encouraged to work together in projects connected to the lesson themes. In this style, the teacher is an active observer working to guide students in the right direction.
B:Often used in math, science and music, this teaching style involves more “showing” rather than “telling” with teachers more likely to support the information with examples or experiments, demonstrations or multimedia presentations.
C:This approach may integrate elements of the styles, often combining the teacher’s personality and interests with those of the students. While this method is considered inclusive, it risks diluting the learning process by placing less emphasis on in-depth study than when following a single, focused approach.
D:This teaching style follows the traditional teacher-centered approach, often characterized by lecture sessions or one-way presentations. In this approach, students are expected to pay attention, absorb information, take notes and ask questions.
E:The teacher is focused on promoting self-learning and helping students develop critical learning and thinking skills. As a student-centered approach, it involves creating learning plans and classes that require students to explore and discover the course content in creative and original ways.

发布时间:2024-06-13 09:22:37
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