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The vessel was at anchor overnight while we were waiting for permission to enter the port. Two officers of watch were patrolling the deck but they did not notice anything unusual. They did not realize that while they were on watch, two stowaways were hiding in the lifeboat. One man escaped by jumping overboard while the other climbed down a rope ladder. Later, I received a phone call from the Coastguard at the port. He said that two men from my vessel were swimming towards the shore. He called the police and ordered a rescue boat to pick up the men. When the rescue boat went out, it picked up only one person. The other was nowhere to be seen. As yet, I have no further information about the two stowaways. The vessel will remain in port until port Authorities have searched the vessel and given clearance to depart. I am awaiting instruction from the immigration authorities about the procedure for repatriating the stowaway who is in police custody at present. The police are still searching for the missing stowaways.

发布时间:2024-04-17 20:40:20
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