1 选项: A、accustomed B、acquired C、assembly D、attribute E、champions F、elements G、expands H、familiar I、flows J、fundamentally K、interpretation L、passive M、regard N、respectively O、superficial LETTERS 的输出结果是?选项: A:"A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "H" "I" "J" "K" "L" "M" "N" "O" "P" "Q" "R" "S" "T" "U" "V" "W" "X" "Y" "Z"; B:"a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k" "l" "m" "n" "o" "p" "q" "r" "s" "t" "u" "v" "w" "x" "y" "z"; C:LETTERS; D:NULL 以下程序执行后的输出结果是void Fun(int v , int w){ int t; t=v; v=w; w=t;} int main( ){ int x=1,y=3,z=2; if(x>y) Fun(x,y); else if(y>z) Fun(y,z); else Fun(x,z); printf("%d,%d,%d\n",x,y,z); return 0;} 有以下程序void f(int v , int w){int t; t=v;v=w;w=t;}main( ){ int x=1,y=2,z=3; if(x>y) f(x,y); else if(y>z) f(y,z); else f(x,z); printf("%d,%d,%d\n",x,y,z);}执行后输出结果是? 1,33,12,3,13,1,21,2,3 下列程序的输出结果是 :#include <stdio.h>void f(int v, int w) { int t; t = v; v = w; w = t;}int main(){ int x = 1, y = 3, z = 2; if (x > y)f(x, y); else if (y > z)f(y, z); else f(x, z); printf("%d, %d, %d\n", x, y, z); return 0;}选项: A:1, 2, 3; B:3, 1, 2; C:1, 3, 2; D:2, 3, 1 葡语中的字母为A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H、I、J、K、L、M、N、O、P、R、S、T、U、V、W、X、Y、Z。对吗?选项: A:正确; B:错误 葡语中的字母有A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,对吗?选项: A:正确; B:错误 A:我周末可以去你家吗?B:可以的,我星期( )在家。A:wǒ zhōu mò kě yǐ qù nǐ jiā ma ?B:kě yǐ de ,wǒ xīng qī ( )zài jiā 。选项: A:一 yī B:三 sān C:五 wǔ D:六liù 0 . T h e s e v e n t h c e r v i c a l v e r t e b r a i s c h a r a c t e r i z e d b y h a v i n g (  )A . a n o d o n t o i d p r o c e s s B . a l a r g e t r a n s v e r s e f o r a m e nC . a h e a r t - s h a p e d b o d y D . a m a s s i v e b o d yE . t h e l o n g e s t s p i n o u s p r o c e s s 四 . 多 项 选 择 题 9 . W h a t i s N O T i n t h e c a v e r n o u s s i n u s e s ? (  )A . i n t e r n a l c a r o t i d a r t e r y B . i n t e r n a l j u g u l a r v e i n C . a b d u c e n t n e r v eD . o c u l o m o t o r n e r v e E . t r o c h l e a r n e r v e 选项:A、正确B、错误
【判断题】两辆机动车发生轻微碰擦事故后,为保证理赔,必须等保险公司人员到场鉴定后才能撤离现场。 两辆机动车发生轻微碰擦事故后,为保证理赔,必须等保险公司人员到场鉴定后才能撤离现场() 选项:A、是 B、否 两辆机动车发生轻微剐蹭事故后,为保证理赔,必须等保险公司人员到场鉴定后才能撤离现场。 选项: A:正确 B:错误 两辆机动车发生轻微碰擦事故后,为保证理赔,必须等保险公司人员到场鉴定后才能撤离现场。 选项: A:正确 B:错误 两辆机动车发生轻微碰擦事故后,为保证理赔,必须等保险公司人员到场鉴定后才能撤离现场。 选项: A:错误 B:正确 两辆机动车发生轻微碰擦事故后,为保证理赔,必须等保险公司人员到场鉴定后才能撤离现场。 辆机动车发生轻微碰擦事故后,为保证理赔,必须等保险公司人员到场鉴定后才能撤离现场。 两辆机动车发生轻微碰擦事故后,为保证理赔,必须等保险公司人员到场鉴定后才能撤离现场。对 Food is important in our life, but its function about () is not mentioned by the man. 选项: A、how clearly we think B、how sound we sleep C、how we deal with stress D、how happy we are Do you agree that many of us are merely parroting when we think we are thinking? Does it mean we should never accept other people's ideas? Does it mean we should seek the truth about everything all over again by ourselves? Why can't we depend on the accumulated wisdom of people in the past?Why do we like or dislike some ideas so passionately? Can we judge or measure a belief according to our personal interest?
What is true about our body in public speaking?选项: A:Pointing at your audiences is really persuasive B:We should use countless gestures to get rid of boredom C:We should stand like a soldier D:We do not have to use too many gestures in our speech What is true about our body in public speaking?选项: A:We should use countless gestures to get rid of boredom B:We do not have to use too many gestures in our speech C:Pointing at your audiences is really persuasive D:We should stand like a soldier We might not always be aware of it, but in every case we give something up for those options. (Unit 2: Why Options Distract us from Our Main Objectives) In this statement, the author seems to suggest that ____________.选项: A:we should have a built-in alarm to remind us of our limited time with our family; B:we are missing what is really important when trying to keep all options open; C:we should give up work so that we can spend all our time with our family; D:we should realize each option is as important as the other Slight gestures like twisting hair, playing with pens, or swinging show that we are really casual on the stage, thus can cover up our nervousness. A: 正确 B: 错误 Slight gestures like twisting hair, playing with pens, or swinging show that we are really casual on the stage, thus can cover up our nervousness.? 正确错误 Slight gestures like twisting hair, playing with pens, or swinging show that we are really casual on the stage, thus can cover up our nervousness.() 选项:A:是 B:否 Slight gestures like twisting hair, playing with pens, or swinging show that we are really casual on the stage, thus can cover up our nervousness. Slight gestures like twisting hair, playing with pens, or swinging show that we are really casual on the stage, thus can cover up our nervousness.选项: A:正确; B:错误 If you are too nervous when you speak, you may look at the ceiling of the room instead of looking at your audience. 选项: A、正确 B、错误 If you are nervous on the stage, just regard the audience as carrots, cabbage or a piece of wood.
幼儿园教育活动的组织形式按照特征可分为A、生活活动、区域活动、教育活动B、学科式教学活动、综合主题式活动、领域分类活动C、集体活动、小组活动、个体活动D、全园活动、亲子活动、游戏活动 主题教育活动包括() 选项: A、半日主题教育活动 B、全日主题教育活动 C、系列主题教育活动 D、单元主题教育活动 【单选题】体验式教育活动坚持( ),以特殊活动为纽带,让学习者通过参与主题活动、游戏活动或其他实践活动,来获得成长。 综合主题课程教育活动的主题通常有哪些? 【多选题】主题教育活动包括() A. 半日主题教育活动 B. 全日主题教育活动 C. 系列主题教育活动 D. 单元主题教育活动 综合活动中主题设计的第一步是( ) 选项: A、实施主题 B、明确主题目标 C、确立主题 D、评价主题 由一系列教育活动组成的,实施时间比较长,需要综合利用多方面的条件和资源的活动是(   )。选项: A:幼儿园领域教育活动; B:幼儿园主题教育活动; C:幼儿园区域教育活动; D:幼儿园方案教育活动 【填空题】幼儿园主题教育活动就是在围绕即主题来组织的教育教学活动。 [单选题]文献检索的方法不包括( ) A 时序法 B 循环法 C 追溯法 D 直接法 节事活动评估的方法有()。选项: A:调查法; B:分析法; C:总结述职法; D:观察法
How can one give an interviewer a good first impression?A.He should show respect to the in 选项:How can one give an interviewer a good first impression?A.He should show respect to the interviewer.B.He should show confidence in himself.C.He should be dressed appropriately.D.He should speak enthusiastically. English and computer______two useful tools in preparing for one's career, we should do our best to have a good command of them. 选项: A、having been B、were C、are D、being 6.Having a good command of English means ______.选项: A:using good sentences structure; B:correct usage of English grammar; C:correct usage of spelling; D:all of the above 【判断题】Longer sentences and GRE words can show the audience our good command of English, so it should be encouraged. A. 对 B. 错 Longer sentences and GRE words can show the audience our good command of English, so it should be encouraged. A: 正确 B: 错误 Longer sentences and GRE words can show the audience our good command of English, so it should be encouraged. 选项: A、正确 B、错误 Longer sentences and GRE words can show the audience our good command of English, so it should be encouraged. 选项: Longer sentences and GRE words can show the audience our good command of English, so it should be encouraged.选项: A:对 B:错 Where should you keep your valuables while staying in a hotel? 选项: A:In the hotel safe. B: In your pocket. C: In your traveling bag. D:In a bedside container. Where should you keep your valuables while staying in a hotel? 选项: A:In the hotel safe. B:In your pockets. C:In your traveling bag. D:In a bedside container.
机动车在没有限速标志、标线、道路中心线的道路上行驶的,最高车速,城市道路为每小时() 公里,公路为每小时( )公里。 选项: A:40,50 B:30,40 C:30,50 D:50,60 机动车在没有限速标志、标线、道路中心线的道路上行驶的,最高车速,城市道路为每小时()公里,公路为每小时()公里。() 在没有限速标志、标线和道路中心线的城市道路上,每小时速度不超80公里。( ) 选项: A:正确 B:错误 在没有限速标志标线的城市道路,中间有隔离装置,最高时速为( )公里。 渣土车在没有限速标志﹑标线且没有道路中心线的城市道路上行驶最高速度为( )。 选项: A:15km/h B:20km/h C:30km/h D:50km/h 在没有限速标志、标线、没有道路中心线的城市道路限速为( )km/h。 同方向有 4 条机动车道且无限速标志、标线的城市道路最高时速为()公里 选项: A、90 B、70 C、60 What kind of topics are good topics? 选项:Topic that may interest your audience.#Topic that the audience don't know much about.#Topic related to people’s well beings.#Topic that is meaningful to not only yourself, but more people- people of different ages, genders, majors and cultures. What kind of topics are good topics? 选项:Topic that the audience don't know much about.#Topic related to people’s well beings.#Topic that may interest your audience.#Topic that is meaningful to not only yourself, but more people- people of different ages, genders, majors and cultures. What kind of topics are important for a speech?选项: A:Any kind of topics; B:Topics that only you find interesting; C:Topics that matter to your listeners, as well as to yourself.; D:All of the above
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